Private Speech Therapy
Our team of speech and language pathologists provide both in-school private speech therapy as well as in-home visits. We provide each student and their family with an extensive report summarizing the achievement of goals. Let us make it easy and come to you! Early detections and treatment of speech and language difficulties can prevent further delays in your child’s development. Our team will provide each caretaker with a formal diagnostic report detailing short- and long-term goals as well as the treatment plan.
Our team of certified speech and language pathologists treat a range of areas including:
articulation/phonological disorders
apraxia of speech
language disorders
feeding and swallowing
orofacial myofunctional disorders
reading comprehension
pragmatic (social) disorders
Most therapists will…
Solely focus on the speech and language goals
Provide verbal feedback rather than written and verbal
Use a rigid approach to treatment and goals
Provide baseless goals that do not apply to the child’s life and needs
Communicate during sessions only
Have you come to them rather than a comfortable setting for your child
Our team will….
Explain and help your child meet their communication milestones
Use your everyday routine to build language and communication skills
Provide confidence to your child’s communication
Know the child’s wants and needs and make sure all caretakers do as well
Email and text in between sessions to provide advice and answer questions
Treatment can be done in the home or school setting
Our areas of specialty include…
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Learning disorders/disabilities
Speech muscle weakness (dysarthria)
Sensory integration disorder
Alternative and augmentative
Communication (AAC)
Oral-motor disorders
Articulation/phonological disorders
Apaxia of speech
Language disorders (expressive & receptive)
Feeding and swallowing
Orofacial myofuctional disorders
Reading comprehension
Pragmatic (social) disorders